Tuesday 16 March 2010

More Than Just Beginners Luck For Any Novice Free Online Poker Players

After playing free online poker for a week now I have found that patience is the key to consistency. Since my last article I have discovered the wonders of the free-roll. In my opinion the best way to play tournaments is carefully. I have seen countless numbers of people going all in on the first hand and then getting burned, it's crazy!

It goes without saying this puts all but one player into a shallow grave. If you can play conservatively till you find yourself on the top table; you will then be in with a shout of playing more forcefully. Many would be disappointed with some of the cards I have folded with near the beginning of the game, but chances are those same people would not make it to the later stages as often as I do.

My highest Free-roll finish was 4th from 150 which I was proud of being only a beginner. This game made me realise that getting into the paid places is easier than it first appears when everyone goes all in.

Using a step up raise technique I have found continues to work. The most I have won in one hand with this was $75 FreeD in the same hand I got my first straight flush beating a very confident ace high flush that pushed it's owner to go all in.

Mathematics I have found to be incredibly important. Knowing the chances of a flush by the river from two suited cards or the chances of winning from a certain pocket pair. Wising up on your odds will help greatly.

Every game is still a learning curve, and the opponents I pit myself against on my free online poker site are remarkably sociable ensuring win or lose I have a great time.

I know that I will continue to play free poker online for a long time to come and I look forward to perfecting my game as time goes on.

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